"Rediscovered" and named by French mycologist Roger Heim, this mushroom is one of the shaman's favorites, typically yielding up to ca. .85% psilocybin and up to ca. .25% psilocin. Its preferred habitat is muddy soils and marshy areas; also rich, dark soils of deciduous forests where it can be found fruiting throughout summer in clusters or groups.
Guzman, G. The Genus Psilocybe: A Systematic Revision of the Known Species Including the History, Distribution and Chemistry of the Hallucinogenic Species. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia Heft 74. J. Cramer, Vaduz, Germany (1983).
Heim, R. and A. Hofmann. "La psilocybine et la psilocine chez les Psilocybes et Strophaires hallucinogenes." In: Heim, R. and R.G. Wasson. Les Champignons Hallucinogenes du Mexique. Etudes Ethnologiques, Taxinomiques, Biologiques, Physiologiques et Chemiques. Archives du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Series 7, Vol. VI. Paris, France (1958).
Heim, R. and R. Cailleux. "Nouvelle contribution a la connaissance des Psilocybes hallucinogenes du Mexique." Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences 249: 1842-1845 (1959).
Schultes, R. and A. Hofmann. The Botany and Chemistry of Hallucinogens. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, IL (1973).